St. Matthew’s Good News – 3/29/2024

Today we enter into the gloom and beauty of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for the renewal and redemption of humanity and the entire created order. The only way to Easter is the way of the cross.

In the Book of Common Prayer, the highest and holiest service in the Christian Year is the Great Easter Vigil, held Saturday night at dusk (7:00 PM) beginning with the lighting of the Easter Fire. While it is understandable that many choose to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord at our Sunday Easter Service instead (and in Protestant-Americana, this is the norm), I am hopeful that some will consider attending the Vigil service for the first time. The Vigil Service is where we begin in darkness and burst into the light and hope of our salvation. It is the church’s oldest festival of worship.

Whatever service you choose to attend, I welcome everyone to come with an open heart, mind, and body to the joy and nourishment we are given through Word, Spirit, and Sacrament on this Highest of all our Feast Days, EASTER.


Holy Saturday, March 30th
7 PM: Great Easter Vigil Service
Meet in front of the church outside of the Narthex for the lighting of the Easter Fire

Easter Sunday, March 31st
10 AM: One service
Easter Celebration Dinner after

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM.

Choir Meet/Practice
Wednesdays, 4:30 PM, in the choir/organ loft

Good Friday, March 29th
Noon: Stations of the Cross
6 PM: Good Friday Service (no Eucharist

Holy Saturday, March 30th
7 PM: Great Easter Vigil service

Easter Sunday, March 31th
10 AM: One service, Easter Celebration Dinner-potluck after

Easter morning immediately following worship there will be an egg hunt for all youth.

We are suggesting the beginning of a Membership Inquirer’s Class starting on Wednesday April 17th at 6:00 PM. The classes would be offered on successive Wednesdays through June 12th (9 Sessions in total). If you are interested, please sign-up on the posted sheet on the board just outside of the church office. Please communicate with Father Tom if you would prefer a different day/time during the week, need childcare, or if you may need a ride. In the past, we have had a dinner at 5:30 PM before the start of the class, but this would need to be decided by the group. Joining the Inquirer’s Class is not a pledge to join St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church. However, following the class anyone desiring to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church (and St. Matt’s) will have the option to do so.