St. Matthew’s Good News – 4/26/2024

This summer, we will initiate a study using the book “Toxic Charity: How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help, and How to Reverse It.” This study aims to foster dialogue on the most effective ways to assist the homeless and those suffering for various reasons.

We recognize Jesus’ call to love and serve our neighbors, including the least among us. During his ministry, Jesus reached out to everyone no matter their position, prominence, or affluence. However, Jesus did not pursue people who rejected his message, and he resisted those who sought him merely for food or their own selfish desires. He pursues His baptized children as lost sheep when they go astray and loves all humans created in God’s image. However, Jesus never encouraged destructive behavior in those bent on their own kingdoms or comforts and challenged all to find true life through repentance and faith in him.

I will post a sign-up sheet soon for those interested in participating in this class. I am considering beginning the class in May or June. It will likely consist of four seminar-style classes on a Saturday or a weeknight, depending on what suits everyone.

Please share your thoughts with me.

Fr. Tom

Upcoming Schedule


Adult Christian Ed Class Sunday, 9 AM.

Choir Meet/Practice
Wednesdays, 4:30 PM, in the choir/organ loft

Inquirers Class
Wednesdays, 6:00 PM, starting April 17th for 9 sessions

Head Start Home Base families. Suggested items: laundry detergent, tall kitchen garbage bags, hand soap, dish soap or dishwasher soap